by: Dick Pickles
Let's start be asking what the following have in common: Super-Sizing, Reality TV, Gas-Guzzling SUVs, Obesity, Game Shows, Women in Bikini's Shooting Guns, Bulldozers, Strip Clubs.
Thats right; they all represent my favorite things about being American. Of course, it goes hand in hand that the other thing that they have in common is that they are all excessive.
Its time that we add another item to that list of greatness. So step aside apple pie. You had a good run as our national food, but I'm proposing that anything that represents our great land must include bacon and cheese...and lots of it. So behold KFC's new invention: The Double Down.
For those who live without a TV or internet access (I'm looking at your France), this "sandwich" is two large pieces of boneless fried chicken breast with two kinds of cheese, lots of bacon, and "Colonel's Sauce" in between them. It is sloppy, melty, cheesey, salty, and most of all it is delicious. I'm also enamoured by this product because hearing double down reminds me of blackjack and the casinos that represent another great American pastime. It doesn't come without its share of downside as it costs $4.99 just for the sandwich, which seems a little pricey to me. I'm also disapointed b/c it is offered in a grilled chicken variety. I'm extremely upset with anyone (probably a Canadian) who would order this type of meal without experiencing it as it was meant to be in true American form.
After devouring this beast in a short period of time my only real question is how did Burger King not think of this idea first? It seems right up their alley.
Well, stay tuned and I'm sure that our industrial giant of a country will continue to evolve and before you know it you will see ads for BK's new Triple Down with extra cheese, hot suace, and fries in the middle.