Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The Smell Between Your Mom's Legs
by: Dick Pickles

Upon seeing that Taco Bell had finally decided to cross through and make an attempt at seafood I knew that I had to try it. I mean, its nice to see that Rex Ryan has a healthy option when dining. Going into this experience I was fully expecting the worst and even ordered a separate meal in case this was so horrid that I could not stomach it.
As expected, The Bell overwhelmed the shrimp with spices to the point that you could barely tell what you were eating. With only the slightest hint of ocean flavor leaking through, the shrimp could have been anything - and I was thankful for this. Unexpectedly, Taco Bell knows not to break the unwritten rule of mixing seafood with cheese. Also on a positive note is that the avocado sauce had a nice hint of lime and would work well with shrimp on any taco.

Overall I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with the final product. I won't ever order it again because it is more expensive ($2.99) than just about any other offering that Taco Bell has. Still, there is a morbid curiosity about a shrimp taco from Taco Bell that I can only compare to the urge to see a dead body. I know I shouldn't want to...but I to. I mean look at the two pictures I took of it and try to resist...

Monday, March 15, 2010


Sweetactionpicks is back in action to throw some cash into your pocket!!!
First - An apology to the loyal readers who have been checking in to no new articles. The team will try to put up at least one weekly post.
Second - A congratulations to Jesse Cyr from Buttfuck, Maine for winning the season-long NFL pick 'em challenge. Jesse recieved an engraved beer can trophy similar to the one below. The final standings were:
1. Jesse Cyr
2. The Oracle
3. Matt Butler

Third - To kick off the return to excitement let's start with a NCAA bracket contest!!! To sign up go to Yahoo! Sports and use the following login information:
Group ID#: 136299
Password: burkhardtlovescock
  • All scoring will follow the progressive scoring format. This means that a correct pick in round 1 is worth 1 point; a correct pick in round 2 is worth 2 points; a correct pick in round 3 is worth 3 points; etc.
  • The buy-in will be $20. We will operate on the honor system where the checks are mailed at the conclusion of the tournament. This makes things a lot easier for me.
  • The payouts will be determined after the total number of participants are determinned. If there are ten (10) or less people then 2nd place will get there money back and 1st place will take the rest. If there are eleven (11) to twenty (20) entries then 3rd place will get their money back and 1st place will get 75% and 2nd place will get 25%. If there is greater than twenty (20) entries then a different payout structure will be established.
  • Entry names may not be boring.
  • People can fill out as many entries as they wish as long as they understand that each bracket will cost $20.
  • Burkhardt loves the post office because people are always saying, "stick it in the mail".

All entries are due in before the games begin on Thursday. I'd suggest to get it in by Wednesday night to be safe.

I think Coach Williams can feel the tension.