Friday, July 10, 2009


July 10, 2009
Dearest Taco Bell,

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
1) Cheese Sauce
2) Seasoned Meat
3) Crispy Potatoes
4) Bacon
(it was love at first Bite)

I could go on but you had me at bacon. All of your ingredient mixed together in a warm flour tortilla was wonderful. Seeing your sign as I drive through Hudson makes my day, every day. Your ability to somehow fit bacon into each and every bite took my breath away. I'll never know how you manage to keep your potatoes so crispy despite being smothered in all those softer ingredients but I know you do it for me. It is in your ability to mix so many strong flavors that caught my eye when I was a young lad and your ability to keep things spicy over the years has kept me eternally by your side. Even when I take a bite and know that it was way too salty, I know that you were only trying too hard to please me. Please don't ever change.

"'Cause we belong together now,

Forever united here somehow,

You got a piece of me...and honestly,

My life would suck without you."

Forever Yours With Love,
Dick Pickles

1 comment:

Philip Rivers is a Mutant said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I can tell you care deeply about this meal.