Friday, September 4, 2009

Season Long NFL Picks Challenge

Interested in making picks of your own to test your ability against the Pick Master? You're in luck! Join our group and get in on the fun! We are hosting a readers contest where each week YOU pick every game on the schedule. At the end of the season, whoever makes the most correct picks wins! It's that easy! For winning you will receive both bragging right and a to-be-determined prize!!!* See how happy this respectable young woman was when she won last year?

To Enter just check out our eligibility requirements and follow this link:** to enter the following information:
Group: SweetActionPicks
Password: Ted'sTinyPenis

You won't be sorry!

Eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a resident of the United States.
  • You must be registered as a blog follower of (this can be done easily and free by clicking the "follow this blog" icon to the right and creating a username).
  • You can still play even if your mom owns 10+ dildos.
  • Your team name must be funny/offensive.

Thank You all for your interest.

-Dick Pickles

*If we have enough participation we will also create a runner-up prize.
** is in no way, shape, or form affiliated with, its parent, or any of its partner companies. They are simply being used to create a gamepage to keep track of our picks and results. In fact, espn would probably be very, very ashamed of if it did own it. We are not very family friendly here.

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